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SpaceX plans to significantly increase the frequency of rocket launches from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, with the goal of launching 90 rockets per year by 2026. This plan has raised concerns from local residents and environmental groups about its potential impact on marine life and the surrounding coastal ecosystem.

The U.S. Space Force, which operates the base, sees SpaceX's increased launch capacity as beneficial for national security interests. However, environmental organizations worry that more frequent launches could have long-term effects on wildlife in the area, including sea otters, bats, birds, and marine mammals.

While federal agencies have reported that some animals exhibit stress responses during launches, there is still uncertainty about the long-term impact on their behavior and biology. Environmental groups are calling for measures to mitigate the potential adverse effects and are asking the California Coastal Commission to prevent the increase in launches.

Additionally, there is debate over whether SpaceX should be exempt from the permit process, given that a significant portion of its launches are for private purposes rather than government contracts. Some commissioners also expressed concerns about SpaceX's role in international conflicts, citing an incident where the company reportedly refused to provide satellite internet service to Ukraine during a conflict with Russia.

During a recent meeting, commissioners emphasized the importance of SpaceX representatives addressing these issues directly with the agency. The commission's chair suggested that reaching an agreement with SpaceX may be challenging without their active participation in the discussions.

Overall, the planned increase in rocket launches by SpaceX has prompted discussions about environmental impact, national security implications, and the need for transparent engagement with regulatory authorities.

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