VLT Survey Telescope发布的三幅新图像展示了星系的壮丽胜景

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VLT Survey Telescope (VST) recently released three new images showcasing distant galaxies, interacting galaxies, and galaxy clusters. The telescope, equipped with the wide-field camera OmegaCAM, has been capturing large areas of the sky since 2011, enabling the observation of various celestial phenomena.

One of the images depicts ESO 510-G13, a lenticular galaxy with a central bulge and a dark dust disk that suggests a turbulent history possibly due to a collision with another galaxy. Another image showcases Hickson Compact Group 90 (HGC 90), a small group of four galaxies undergoing ongoing interactions and surrounded by a halo of diffuse light. The third image reveals the Abell 1689 galaxy cluster, containing over two hundred galaxies and serving as a gravitational lens for more distant galaxies, distorting their images.

In addition to its scientific research, VST has launched a program dedicated to the general public, aiming to share the wonders of the universe and nurture interest in astrophysics, particularly among young people. The telescope's capacity to capture stunning images of celestial objects, from nebulae to galaxies, reflects its commitment to both scientific exploration and public engagement.

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