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LMU Munich physicists have discovered that the shape of components is a crucial factor in determining the speed and efficiency of self-assembly in complex systems. Their research, published in Physical Review X, reveals that hexagonal morphologies, with six-sided structures and six possible bonds, are particularly advantageous for self-assembly. The study also introduces the concept of time complexity of self-assembly, demonstrating that structures made up of a thousand building blocks can assemble almost four orders of magnitude faster with hexagonal building blocks compared to triangular ones.

The findings offer valuable insights for nanotechnology, suggesting potential applications in optimizing the self-organization of small structures into larger ones. By understanding which morphologies of the monomers lead to efficient self-assembly, researchers can deliberately select these shapes to enhance the overall assembly process. This could be applied, for example, in the synthesis of artificial viral capsids for biomedical applications. The researchers also note correspondences in nature, such as the self-assembly of viral capsids, which start with the assembly of small, triangular parts into hexagons, highlighting the significance of their findings in various domains, including medicine and nanotechnology.

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