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RIKEN physicists have proposed a new detector, the Dark Photons & Axion-Like Particles Interferometer (DALI), to directly detect dark matter. The elusive nature of dark matter, which makes up 85% of the universe's mass, has been a challenge for astronomers. DALI is designed to detect dark-matter candidates known as axions and is expected to be installed at Teide Observatory in about five years. The team's analysis suggests that over 15 years of operation, DALI could cover a significant portion of the parameter space for detecting axions and may also be able to detect another dark-matter candidate called the dark photon. The research indicates that DALI could pioneer the direct detection of dark matter at high frequencies, offering new strategies for enhancing its effectiveness. The study concludes that DALI has the potential to play a vital role in the global search for dark matter due to its low cost and feasibility.

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