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NASA has developed a new sub-kilowatt electric propulsion technology for small spacecraft, enabling advanced planetary exploration missions and extending the lifetimes of existing spacecraft in orbit. The NASA-H71M sub-kilowatt Hall-effect thruster is a key innovation, providing high propellant throughput and low power operation to execute challenging maneuvers. This technology offers significant benefits for planetary exploration, allowing small spacecraft to maneuver independently from low-Earth orbit to the moon or even to Mars. It also increases the reach of secondary spacecraft, facilitating exploration of a wider range of scientific targets.

The commercialization of this technology by partners such as SpaceLogistics, a subsidiary of Northrop Grumman, will enable the extension of spacecraft lifetimes in geosynchronous Earth orbit. While commercial electric propulsion systems are limited in lifetime capability and propellant throughput, the NASA-H71M thruster can operate for 15,000 hours and process more than 30% of a small spacecraft's initial mass in propellant. This game-changing capability exceeds the needs of most commercial missions but aligns with future NASA planetary science requirements, creating new opportunities for collaboration between NASA and U.S. industry.

Through partnerships with companies developing innovative commercial small spacecraft mission concepts, NASA aims to support U.S. industry in remaining a global leader in commercial space systems while acquiring important technologies for future planetary missions. Ongoing efforts to mature the H71M electric propulsion technologies will further expand the range of data and documentation available to U.S. industry, paving the way for the development of similarly advanced and highly capable low-power electric propulsion devices.

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